Creating A New Farmer

Adding A Farmer Account

In order to add a new farmer record, the user must be logIn and click the New farmer buttom below the Actions Menu in the home page as shown below. A page will open request farmer



When all data is entered the submit button at the end of the page as shown in the picture below should be clicked and the information saved


A message confirming saved data will appear at the top of the page


The user can then scroll down and choose the next coarse of action.


If the user wishes to continue adding information for the farmer and clicks next a new page will open and a permission request box will pop up. Permission must be granted by accepting request. And the add Farmers land page will open



On this page the Use my location button is added to help locate current GPS coordinates and once the coordinates are found a map will appear showing your exact location or a location close by to were the user is and can be edited by simply clicking the users exact location on the map view provided.


The next page to open once complete is to add a household members or multiple members as shown below.



The next page to open when complete is to add a crop or multiple crops page as shown.


After completion the next page to open is the Add Livestock, followed by the Add fish page and Add Assets. Once complete the farmer’s information can be viewed as below.


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